Friday, November 13, 2009

CA sales Tax...WTF?

Okay, so its been ages since i've gone shopping ..heck I've got 3 sisters room and closet I can rummage through when i need lotion, get the idea...

i'm not one who checks reciepts either, i rather not revisit how much i've spent.
so last night i went to get something for my friend's bday at sephora aka women's candy store....and found that the sales tax is now 9.75 ?! WTF? I'm paying almost 10% of my purchase! and California is in a budget crisis? where does all this money go?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

hot pot!

just pictures, for some reason, the blog is being wierd right now...instead of showing the pictures where i can insert comments,its just a bunch of letters and numbers below...argh...i'm a handicap when it comes to computer talk...

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