Monday, September 29, 2008

Dirty 30 - Well, not really..I didn't get to see boobies.

I had the best birthday celebration a girlie could ask for. I want to thank all of my friends for coming to have a few drinks with me. I loved it very mucho! Extra shout out to those who drove a distance. Dinner was great and more people than I expected showed up at my favorite little bar called the Far Bar in Little Tokyo. (dang that sounds like a fucken awards acceptance speech. ya know) Anyways, it was awesome to see people who I rarely see come visit me. *tear...

To some of your surprise, No, I did not see the porcelain god that night. I had very good self control, as I really didn't want to ruin the night with my girls holding up my hair as fall on my knees amd I puke on the street. I also wanted to save myself from the embarassment of laughing like a mad woman running around giving everybody the nipple grab while I proclaim my love for them. No no, that did not happen. I just wanted to enjoy and remember the night.
However, the winner that night went did go to Chris (Diane's Chris). Yay!

So, as I turn 30, it feels like a time to reflecting...the economy is going down the shit hole, gas cost $10 a gallon and I'm still living at home! enjoy livin now!
Turning 30 is just really an excuse for me to get off my lazy ass and start posting stuff for FactoryJunkie, my passion. Seriously, I've made so much stuff that I want to sell that my garage is piling up! argh!

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